public procurement romania

Press review Jan 26 – Feb 1

January 29th, 2015, MEDIAFAX.RO Simona Man ANT: Dracula theme park between Sighisoara and Brasov, through a public-private partnership read more…   January 26th, 2015, HOTNEWS.RO Oprescu: In the future, the population of Bucharest will not pay anything to heat. I want to build in northern Bucharest three CHPs through a new public-private partnership read more… …

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Legal Guide Public Procurement & Public Private Partnerships

We understand the importance of public procurement projects and public private partnerships in the development of both Romanian and foreign companies. In this context, we aim to present those interested in the public procurement procedures in Romania a guide that offers a comprehensive overview of the public procurement legislation. The guide was drafted by the …

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Public procurement & PPP

We advise our clients on public procurement, utilities, concessions and PPP projects, in all phases of the tendering process and contract implementation.